Meet the founding GreenKite team: Karen Stanford

Who really are the brains behind GreenKite? First up is business transformation and operational improvement strategy expert, Karen Stanford.

When we officially launched GreenKite six months ago, our team of highly skilled, experienced businesspeople had been working tirelessly behind the scenes for many months before then. As we continue to expand the business and work with more ambitious firms across Insurance and Financial Services, we thought that it now was a good time to find out what makes the founding GreenKite team tick. Who really are the brains behind GreenKite?

First up is business transformation and operational improvement strategy expert, Karen Stanford.

  • Who are the founders behind GreenKite, why did you come together and what is your background?

A bunch of people with a great idea, that good people with exceptional business knowledge, in the right environment, with the right can do attitude, can build a business and make a real difference.  The vision is that by actually working across teams and breaking down silos, real value and change can be delivered by a new type of consultancy in a practical and commercial way.

My background has been in insurance since I accidently found myself doing a summer job whilst I was at university and I never quite managed to leave.  Experience in multiple organisations, across multiple disciplines, all focussed on business improvement, operational change and IT projects means that I love a challenge… even those that look somewhat impossible.  So, at some point in my career consultancy was inevitable, but the fact I’m a founder of a new business was somewhat of a nice surprise!

A background in projects and change has resulted in a personal passion for improvement, a desire to do things better, smarter, faster and me personally thriving when given a complex problem.

  • Tell us your story – what led you to this point?

Anyone that knows me well will tell you that I’m passionate about people and that I have always focussed on ensuring I build strong relationships with great people across all the organisations I have worked in, and I am also well known for the phrase “when I run an insurance company…”.

I have always talked about setting up an “insurance dream team”, so when I was approached about the setting up GreenKite with Sara I thought it was about time I stopped talking and started doing. I have actually been really fortunate that my current employer Flood Re have been extremely supportive and have allowed me to go part-time, which has allowed me to de-risk moving into a brand-new start-up and to trial a portfolio career.

Now there are pros and cons of having a portfolio career – lots of interesting challenges to overcome, but it does make diary management a nightmare!  But apart from the diary, I’ve really enjoyed the clients I have worked with to date, the problems I am helping them solve, the opportunity to work on multiple initiatives with great people and to learn and develop my skills using the expertise from across the GreenKite network.

  • Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life? 

My family!  Whether that’s my Mum’s encouragement to learn; my Dad’s criticism of management (which has meant I work really hard to make sure I am in touch with all levels across the organisation); my husband’s work ethic (working on the railway is much tougher than insurance); my sister’s patience (she’s a teacher!); or my children’s ‘jump first, think second’ attitude, which we should all do occasionally.

  • What was your lightbulb moment for doing what you do now?

I love a problem… and the world of consultancy is full of problems that need solving! The best people to solve problems are diverse teams with different backgrounds, experiences, strengths and thoughts; and if I can create the right team, we can make a real difference across the insurance industry.

  • What’s it like being a woman in insurance/financial services?

It’s getting better but there is still more work to do.  I was at the Tintech conference this year and two women on the breakout table I was on came and found me as they wanted to connect with strong women in the insurance industry.  I don’t see myself like that, I just do what I do, and I don’t think I should be unusual in 2020.  So, the more we can do to encourage upcoming talent to join and stay in insurance, the better.

  • What is GreenKite doing to support leading women in insurance/financial services?

GreenKite is hugely encouraging of women returning to work as we believe this area is a vastly untapped and undervalued resource pool.  We are doing this by providing flexibility and mentoring to these individuals and are supportive of their journey back into the workplace.

  • What’s your biggest achievement so far?

Taking on three stepchildren and being pretty good at being a step-mum.  The kids make insurance projects look easy in comparison!

  • What’s the best thing someone has said or done for you in your career? 

There are a couple of people in my career who have been exceptional role models.  From an early experience at Lloyd’s having some exceptional female line managers, to other leaders who have taken a bit of a chance on me but given me the support and encouragement that I could do it.  Their leadership and mentoring are why I am who I am, and I am eternally grateful.

  • What’s the best part of your day? 

Its whatever time I get to spend with my husband… which is not as much as I’d like but he keeps me grounded, laughing and makes whatever has happened during the day a little bit better.