GreenKite's Leadership Podcast Series with Gary Burke

GreenKite’s Leadership Podcast Series – Karen Graves speaking with Lewis Maleh

In this podcast, Karen Graves, GreenKite’s Chair, interviews Lewis Maleh, the founder of Bentley Lewis, an executive search firm. Maleh’s business has undergone significant changes over the years, expanding from a London-centric company to operating in the US and India. Karen explores Maleh’s entrepreneurial journey, the importance of embracing change, the value of diverse talent acquisition, and the significance of long-term vision and human skills in business success.

During their discussion, Karen and Lewis briefly explored ideas from ‘The Infinite Game’ by Simon Sinek, a thought-provoking book on leadership and organisational mindset. The New York Times-bestselling author of Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, and Together Is Better offers a bold new approach to business strategy by asking one question: are you playing the finite game or the infinite game?

You can listen to the podcast here.
